Thursday, September 27, 2018

PS5 news and rumours – what’s the latest?

Bethesda’s Pete Hines has dropped some cryptic hints regarding the next generation, stating that the company is “privy” to a few things. In a recent interview with The Telegraph, Hines said, “I’m privy to some stuff which obviously I can’t really talk about, but there is also a lot that I’m not sure on what it’s going to look like. And more importantly how big a shift we can expect.”
“How much of that will change [with the next consoles], I don’t know,” Hines continued. “The rest of it doesn’t matter to me because I’m not drawing art or coding or designing. What really matters is what the developers think. What do they need and what are the kind of power and features they are looking for.”
In other news, A Kotaku report
 states the PS5 may not arrive until 2020 at the earliest, which may disappoint some, but it’s hardly surprising considering how successful Sony has been of late. With the PS4 and PS4 Pro so far ahead of the rival consoles from all parties, Sony won’t be in much of a rush to spend vast sums 
of money releasing new hardware.
According to the report, many developers questioned, including those at Sony’s first-party studios “have not yet been briefed on the existence of a PlayStation 5.”
Schreier writes: “In summary: There is information about the PlayStation 5 floating around at both first- and third-party companies, but it’s far more limited than it would be if the console’s release was imminent.”
PS4 and PS4 Pro continue to sell incredibly well and the system’s exclusive library has plenty of support leading into 2019 with titles like  The Last of Us Part 2 and Death Stranding still to come. 


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