Sunday, September 23, 2018

Tired of Your Slow Computer?

Clever new device is saving people hundreds (even thousands) and the big computer companies aren't happy about it!

Is your computer painfully slow? Have you considered buying a new 'faster' computer but the price of even a basic one makes you cringe? Do you wish there was a cheaper, more affordable way to get a new computer? (Hint: there is – keep reading.)

It's incredibly frustrating when computers slow down or stop working for seemingly no reason. And even after all the diagnostics, upgrades and money spent, the amount of time waiting for that spinning wheel or hourglass to disappear never seems to get any shorter. Your once new, lightning-fast, computer just keeps getting slower as each day passes.

Fortunately, there's a new device that has recently hit the market and it's literally giving old, slow computers lightning fast speed again. And to say it's extremely affordable is grossly understated!
Xtra-PC is a small thumb drive you simply plug into your computer's USB port and it instantly transforms your old computer to like new. It works with any computer (Mac or Windows) - laptops, desktops and netbooks made in 2004 or later.

This is hands down the fastest & easiest solution to getting yourself a new computer without spending $400, $500, $800 or more – guaranteed. No more staring at spinning wheels or hourglasses ever again!

How Does it Work?

Super easy! In fact, it's so easy that it's like snapping your fingers and watching your old computer magically turn into the new, super-fast computer you want it to be. No technical knowledge is needed and anyone can do it. All you have to do is...

1. Plug it in:
Simply plug Xtra-PC into a USB port while your computer is turned off.

2. Turn Your Computer On:
Simply select 'Boot from USB' and bingo, you're good to go.

3. Enjoy Your New PC:
In less than 15 minutes you'll be shocked at the difference in the performance of your computer.

You o

No Hard Drive? No Problem!

Amazingly, Xtra-PC even works on computers with no hard drives. That's right! Broken, damaged or just plain missing – Xtra-PC will have your computer running like new again even without a hard drive!

What Can I Do With My Like-New Computer?

Everything! With Xtra-PC, there's simply no need to spend hundreds of dollars on a new computer. It makes no sense. But getting Xtra-PC does (which is why the big computer companies are so against this incredibly powerful little device).
With Xtra-PC you'll be able to do the things you normally do...
  • Surf the web
  • Share on social media
  • Write emails
  • Watch videos
  • Play games
  • Safely shop online
  • And more!
You can even add other programs to your computer if you want to. Want to download Skype? No problem, with Xtra-PC you can.

How Much is This Going to Cost Me?

This is not a joke. Xtra-PC is only $34.99!
nly have to set up Xtra-PC once and you can even use it on multiple computers!


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